Sunday 28 October 2012

October Week 3 and a bit

Bringing a new clay into the mix.
Same source Stoneware Cone 6.

Love the little mouldy green effects before wedging.

The die for these extrusions was a loosely shaped capital G.
The opening was drilled a little more narrowly than previous dies.
The angle of entry for the clay was more severe.
The detailing was also sharper (ie less polished).

The clay tended to roll into a spiral on extrusion.

It was possible to unroll the extrusion while positioning it onto a board.
It's full width was greater than the 6 inches of the extrusion chamber.

The new clay is delightfully flexible.
It draped over cardboard rolls or by hand.
Hope it makes a subtle contrast to the colour of the Navaho Wagon.
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